Improvements for perishables supply chain

Reducing waste and increasing shelf life should be a top priority among the perishables supply chain. Stakeholders involved should put together a digital approach to make improvements towards this movement. 

Until now, there has been a lack of new technologies to address this issue. As well, there have been low amounts of reporting across the supply chain.

Through increased reporting, better decisions can be made regarding temperature excursions and logistic solutions to reduce waste. As well, utilizing a digital approach will also allow stakeholders to collaborate with each other to improve the shelf life of perishables. 

One type of KPI metric, the Degree-Hour, has been created to improve this supply chain. This metric measures the temperature and time before a product becomes perishable. Through this metric, temperatures and shipment times will be maintained in order to keep products fresh. 

Through measures like these, significant improvements are bound to be made regarding product quality and limited waste in the supply chain.,(2022, April 12). CCA calls for a risk management approach to drive efficiencies. AIR CARGO WEEK. Retrieved May 17, 2022, from 

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