General Information

Each row on the excel sheet represents a parcel.
Example, if you have 5 parcels, the data would use 5 rows on the template.

Reference Numbers (Columns A – B)

Column A: Tracking Number Leave empty*
Leave the fields in this column blank.
Bringer populates this column with your tracking numbers.
After submission, you will receive a copy of the file with tracking numbers.

Column B: Customer Reference Number Mandatory*
Enter your internal reference number.

Sender Information (Columns C – I)

Column C: Sender Name Mandatory*
Enter the sender's name.

Column D: Sender Address Line 1 Mandatory*
Enter the sender's address.

Column E: Sender Address Line 2 Optional
An additional line for the sender's address.

Column F: Sender City Mandatory*
Enter the sender's city.

Column G: Sender State Mandatory*
Enter the sender's state.

Column H: Sender Postal Code Mandatory*
Enter the sender's postal code.
Use 5 digits.

Column I: Sender Postal Code Mandatory*
Enter the sender's country.
Use ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code.

Recipient Information (Columns J – U)

Column J: Recipient Name Mandatory*
Enter the recipient's name.

Column K: Recipient Tax ID Mandatory*
Enter the recipient's tax id.
For Brazil, use the 'CPF' number for individuals and the 'CNPJ' number for commercial entities.

Column L: Recipient Address Line 1
Enter the recipient's address.

Column M: Recipient Address Line 2 Optional
An additional line for the recipient's address.

Column N: Recipient Address Line 3 Optional
An additional line for the recipient's address.

Column O: Recipient PO Box Optional*
Enter the recipient's po box.

Column P: Recipient Postal Code Mandatory*
Enter the recipient's po box.

Column Q: Recipient City Mandatory*
Enter the recipient's city.

Column R: Recipient State Mandatory*
Enter the recipient's state.

Column S: Recipient Country Mandatory*
Enter the recipient's country.
Use ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code.

Column T: Recipient Email Optional*
Enter the recipient's email.

Column U: Recipient Phone Optional*
Enter the recipient's phone.

Parcel Details (Columns V – AD)

Column V: Total Commercial Value Mandatory*
The total commercial value must match the commercial invoice.
The freight value must be at least equal to your rates.
Calculate total commercial value:
1. Add the value of all products/goods.
2. Add the value of the insurance fee (if applicable).
3. Add the freight value.
4. Total Commercial Value = Products/Goods + Insurance + Freight

Column W: Insurance (Y/N) Mandatory*
Enter 'Y' to insure this parcel.
Leave blank or send 'N' if insurance is not required.
If entering 'Y', a value (USD) must be sent in Column X.

Column X: Insurance Charge Optional*
Enter the value of the insurance fee.

Column Y: Freight Charge Mandatory*
Enter the freight value.

Column Z: Total Weight Mandatory
Total weight of the parcel.

Column AA: Value of Commodities Mandatory*
Enter the total value of all the goods/products.

Column AB: Total Commodities Mandatory*
Enter the total number of commodities in this parcel.

Column AC: Contains Perfume ID8000 (Y/N) Mandatory*
Enter 'Y' if this parcel contains perfumes.
Leave blank or send 'N' if the parcel does not contain perfumes.

Column AD: Contains Lithium UN3481 (Y/N) Mandatory*
Enter 'Y' if this parcel contains lithium batteries.
Leave blank or send 'N' if the parcel does not contain lithium batteries.

Commodity Details (Columns AE – BR)

Up to 10 commodities can be included in the excel template.

Column AE: Commodity 1 HS Code Mandatory*
The harmonized code for the commodity.
Do not include '.' in this field.

Column AF: Commodity 1 Description Mandatory*
Enter the description of the products.

Column AG: Commodity 1 Value Mandatory*
Enter the unit value of the commodity.

Column AH: Commodity 1 Quantity Mandatory*
Enter the unit quantity.

Repeat details in the remaining columns for additional commodities.